
Elk Point Regional FCSS Office 4906A 48 Street, Elk Point, Alberta, Canada

Give moms and mother figures a break for the morning! Includes pancake brunch and fun activities. FREE drop-in for ages 0-10 with their dads and father figures. Call 780-645-5311 for more info.

Ashmont Christmas Market

Ashmont and District Ag Society 4019 Agriplex Road, St. Paul County No. 19, Alberta, Canada

Join us for the last Farmers' Market of the year! Vendors, book your table with Sharon (780-614-4849) or Leanne (780-210-2352).

Santa’s at the Library

St. Paul Municipal Library 4802 53 Street, Saint Paul, Alberta, Canada

Join us at the library and visit Santa!

Little Chefs

St. Paul Regional FCSS Office 5002 51 Avenue, St. Paul, Alberta, Canada

For ages 0-6 to practice their fine motor skills, all while making yummy treats! FREE event, call 780-645-5311 to register.

Event Series First Steps to Employement

First Steps to Employement

Lakeland Centre for FASD 4707 50 Avenue, St. Paul, Alberta, Canada

The Lakeland Centre for FASD has a series of employment workshops for individuals with FASD or possible FASD: December 2 - Give like Santa, Save like Scrooge December 10 - Stress Management December 16 - Eat Better, Stress Less December 23 - Filled with Affirmations December 30 - Goal Setting Drop in or call 780-815-0166…