Living with Stroke Support Group


Offering a place for survivors and caregivers to come together virtually and share their experiences with others. Available for communities in the AHS North Zone. FREE sessions, pre-registration required to receive the meeting link.

Lemonade Day

Lemonade Day is a free, fun, experiential learning program that teaches youth, kindergarten to high school, how to start, own, and operate their own business - a lemonade stand. Children can register from March 1-May 15 to attend Lemonade University and learn skills like creating budgets, setting profit-making goals, serving customers, repaying investors, and giving…

National Indigenous Peoples Day Celebration

Cornerstone Co-op St. Paul 5017 42 Street, St. Paul, Alberta, Canada

Cornerstone Co-op is hosting a drumming circle with local Indigenous Drummers. Local elders will be making homemade Bannock for all of the guests. We invite you to join and learn from our local Indigenous community for this unique and engaging experience