Securing Success: Programs, Services and Funding Opportunities for Your Farm or Ranch
Hear from LARA on current programs and services available for you! These include: feed testing, soil testing, Environmental Farm Plans (EFP), and the Resilient Agriculture Landscapes Program (RALP), On-Farm Climate…
Farmer Appreciation Night Registration Deadline
Glendon RCMP Hall GlendonAre you looking for a great night out with fantastic food and talented entertainment? Join us for our annual Farmer Appreciation Night! Agenda: 5:00 pm – Doors open and appetizers…
Career Connections Early Bird Registration
Don't miss the early bird pricing for the Career Connections Job Fair on February 20 at the St. Paul Rec Centre! Register through the Chamber website.
Learners Education Class
Ashmont School 4002 Main Street, Ashmont, Alberta, CanadaA FREE Teen Connect event for ages 13-18. This is one group of students over three Mondays. Learn the basics to prepare for your Learner's Written Test! Call St. Paul…
Emotion Coaching Course Registration Deadline
This is an online, 5-week course built on five steps for building emotional intelligence in your child. FREE course for caregivers, call 780-645-5311 to register.