Event Series Resume Workshop

Resume Workshop

Northstar Complex, 2nd Floor 4701 50 Avenue, St. Paul, Alberta, Canada

Get your resume ready for the upcoming job fair! This is a partnership between Lakeland Employment Services, EmployAbilities North, and St. Paul Municipal Library.

ASQ Screening – Elk Point

Elk Point Regional FCSS Office 4906A 48 Street, Elk Point, Alberta, Canada

Is your child meeting developmental milestones? ASQ screenings check communication, fine motor skills, gross motor skills, problem solving, personal-social skills, and social emotional skills. Free 30-minute appointments for 2-60 month-olds.…

School PD Day Camp

ACFA Régionale de Saint-Paul 4617 50 Avenue, St. Paul, Alberta, Canada

Camp de Congé Scolaire $30 par jour/day Call 780-645-4800 for more info.

Event Series Baby Bunch

Baby Bunch

Elk Point Regional FCSS Office 4906A 48 Street, Elk Point, Alberta, Canada

Come connect with other families while learning about child development and parenting. FREE to register, call 780-724-3800.