Emotion Coaching – Registration Deadline

A 5-week online course based on the book by Dr. John Gottam, "Raising an Emotionally Intelligent Child". Monday evenings (Sept. 23, 30; Oct 7, 21, 28) from 6:30-7:30p.m., FREE for…

Get Moving

Elk Point Regional FCSS Office 4906A 48 Street, Elk Point

Encourage natural movement to develop gross motor skills. FREE drop-in for ages 0-6. Call 780-724-3800 for more info.

Triple P Parenting – Rudeness & Disrepect

St. Paul Regional FCSS Office 5002 51 Avenue, St. Paul

Triple P Parenting helps parents and caregivers to build a toolbox to be a more calm, confident, positive parent who raise happy, confident kids. Register with LFRN for a tip…