Community Support & Partnerships

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Supporting Residents in the St. Paul Region

Everyone is welcome in the County of St Paul. We’re dedicated to making all of our residents feel happy, healthy, and included.


Many organizations in the region provide a wide range of community events and programs that connect individuals throughout our diverse communities.

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St. Paul Regional Family and Community Support Services (FCSS)

St. Paul FCSS designs and delivers social programs that focus on prevention to enhance the social well-being of individuals and families in our communities. This is done through promotion and intervention strategies, provided to those in need at the earliest opportunity.

The Regional FCSS Office is located at  5002 51 Avenue, across from the Town of St. Paul Office.
Office Hours are from Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. / 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. or you can call 780-645-5311.

The Elk Point FCSS Office is located at  4906 48 Street, next to the Subway. 
Office Hours are Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 8:30 a.m. to 12 noon / 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. or you can call 780-724-3800.

Family Favourite Recipes

Thank you to everyone in the community who contributed a favourite recipe for our Seniors' cookbook! 

Click on the cover to see the full cookbook or click here.

Regional Programs

FCSS programs depend on community resources, often involving local volunteers for their management and delivery.

As a regional service, programs are available to all residents in the County.
Locations are strategically chosen hot spots, but don’t let that stop you from checking out the various services available!

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Community Support

These programs are specifically developed to create connections within our communities. They range from support for caregivers and new residents to recognizing volunteers in the region and creating avenues for residents to meet. FCSS also administers Community Counselling throughout the year.

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FCSS has a number of programs designed for the seniors in our communities, such as Meals on Wheels delivering nutritious meals to your door or assisting with applications for Alberta Seniors Benefits. Support is also provided to the caregivers in our region, with Caregiver Support Packages given to those caring for the seniors in their lives.

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Youth programs are designed for age groups 0-18, allowing both youth and their caregivers to develop new friendships and create new bonds. Free summer programming is available for children ages 7-12, beginning in July in the communities of Mallaig, Ashmont, and Elk Point.

Partner Programs

Falling under the FCSS group, extended programming exists for families, caregivers, and youth through the organizations below.


Lakeland Family Resource Network (LFRN)

Supporting families through child development and well-being programs builds resilient kids. LFRN offers programming to all families with children 0-18 years old, aiming to strengthen family connections and build caregiver capacity. The network brings in educated professionals who create fun, enriching activities for parents and children while answering questions and providing support.


St. Paul Youth Council (SPYC)

SPYC is a youth-led, volunteer-based organization that acts as a voice for the young people in our communities. They promote youth involvement by planning and hosting events and/or activities for all youth. SPYC is a great avenue for developing leadership and communication skills, exploring career options, giving back to our community, and connecting with others.

County Grants

Community Aggregate Levy Fund - Capital Funding

A Community Aggregate Payment Levy is placed on the County of St. Paul's sand and gravel shipments and businesses operating within the municipality. This levy raises revenue for infrastructure and community enhancement for organizations operating within the County.

Organizations are invited to apply for funding for their capital projects located within the County of St. Paul.
Applications are reviewed quarterly by the Aggregate Levy Committee which determines eligibility and allotment of funds.
Successful applicants are notified after their review.

The fund has quarterly application deadlines of March 20, June 20, September 20, and December 20.

Organizations are asked to submit their applications by email to [email protected] with the email subject line ‘Community Aggregate Levy Fund’.

County of St. Paul Scholarships

The County of St. Paul offers three annual scholarship awards, each worth $1,000. These are provided to students entering post-secondary programs, with two awards for students enrolled in an Academic program and one award for a student enrolled in a Trades program.

In addition, the County's Agricultural Service Board offers one annual scholarship of $1,000 to a student enrolled in an Agriculture program.

Applicants must be a County of St. Paul resident and pursuing post-secondary education. High marks and financial need will be considered. Applications for these awards have an annual June 1 deadline!

Additional Scholarships

Rural Municipalities of Alberta (RMA)

The RMA Scholarship Program is designed to encourage young rural Albertans to pursue further education, and thereby enhance the ability of these young people to make meaningful contributions to their communities in subsequent years.

A $1,000 scholarship is presented to one successful applicant from each of the five districts in Alberta (the County of St. Paul being District 5).

Association of Alberta Agriculture Fieldmen (AAAF)

The AAAF Memorial Bursary is intended for students continuing their post-secondary education, with applications reviewed by your local Agricultural Fieldman (for the County of St. Paul, email [email protected]).

Students must be enrolled in an agricultural or environmental science program. A $1,000 bursary is available each calendar year for each of the five provincial regions of the AAAF.


We look forward to helping you discuss your community support & partnership questions and needs!


BRENDA BILLO, Regional Director
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 780-645-5311

5002 51 Avenue
St. Paul, AB  T0A 3A0

County Grants & Scholarships

BETTY RICHARDExecutive Assistant
Phone: 780-645-3301 ext. 1221

5015 49 Avenue
St. Paul, AB  T0A 3A4


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