Tax & Assessments

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Competitive Tax Rates

Aligning with our vision to be the leader in rural success, the County of St. Paul works hard to maintain competitive tax rates for its residents while providing a high degree of service. On this page, you will find information related to our rates and assessments process.

For any additional questions, please email [email protected].



Property Tax

Your Property Tax & Assessment bill covers the period from January 1 to December 31 of the current year. A Property Assessment and Tax Notice is mailed out from the County office to residents by mid-May annually to provide enough time to review your assessment and ask any questions before the June 30 payment deadline.

If you do not receive your Property Assessment and Tax Notice by the first week in June, please contact us. If your address has recently changed, a Change of Address Form must be submitted. This is a simple online form with most of the details found on your most recent Property Assessment & Tax Notice. 

Non-receipt of your property tax bill does not exempt
you from penalty due to late payment.

Changed your mailing address?

Be sure to confirm your correct mailing address with Alberta
Land Titles to have this recorded on the Certificate of Title. Incomplete or incorrect forms will be returned by Land Titles.

Complete a land title search through an Alberta Registry Agent


Payment Options

We have several payment options available for County ratepayers to suit your needs. Review your options carefully and feel free to contact us to discuss any questions.


Monthly Payment Plan

Monthly payments are automatic withdrawals from a bank account. To join the Property Tax Monthly Payment Plan, submit a Pre-Authorized Payments Form. The Taxation Department will confirm your application within 5 business days.     

The plan commences January 1 each year, providing all taxes and penalties are paid on or before December 31 of the previous year. You can join up to June 1 by paying the missed installments from January 1. Each year after taxes are levied, the monthly payment will be adjusted based on the current year's taxes.


Online Banking & Telepayment

Please be aware of your bank's policies regarding the effective date of payment.

Confirm that your current property roll number is the one registered on your bill payment menu. The tax roll number is linked to the property; if you have moved, the new roll number must be referenced on your bill menu.

An individual payment is required for each tax roll number.


Option Pay - Online Payment

To pay property taxes using a credit card, choose 'Tax' from the drop-down menu and enter your 7-8 digit Roll number. Enter each property separately.

There is a fee paid to Option Pay for this service. The fee will be calculated on the screen once you enter the payment details.



Confirm our business hours on our contact page to come to the Administration Office and pay in person by debit, cheque, or money order. 

We do not accept credit cards for tax payments at the Administration Office. Please see Option Pay - Online Payment.  


After Hours

A 24-hour deposit slot is located at the front door entrance of the Administration Office (bottom right) to drop off a cheque or money order.

Do not deposit cash.

By Mail

Cheques or money orders can be mailed to:
County of St. Paul
5015-49 Avenue, St. Paul AB
T0A 3A4

Do not mail cash.

Payment can be made payable to 'County of St. Paul No. 19'. Make sure to write your roll number on your cheque and enclose the property portion of your tax bill.

Property Assessments

The County of St. Paul has contracted Accurate Assessment Group to complete its assessment process. As part of that contract, assessors complete a re-inspection process to assist in determining the taxation for the following year. 

To meet provincial legislation and “best practices,” cyclical re-inspections are completed on a five-year rotation, with approximately 20% of the County properties inspected each year.

Criteria for the assessment process include market value, market growth, and real growth. Farmland is valued using a provincially-regulated assessment base rate. Commercial and industrial property is valued at market value.

Assessors complete inspections from April through to the following January and are easily identifiable by identification badges. Assessors drive in Accurate Assessment Group-marked vehicles including County of St. Paul magnets. Assessors will attempt to make personal contact at the properties they inspect. If no one is present when the assessor visits your property, a call-back card will be left. 

The County requests your cooperation in returning calls and providing the assessors with the necessary information. Assessors also annually inspect (but are not limited to) new development permits, non-started permits from previous years, new subdivisions, land use confirmation/changes, previously incomplete construction, and properties that have sold each year.

Assessment Complaints and Information

Those assessed may register a formal assessment complaint with the Assessment Review Board within 60 days from the notice of assessment date as shown on your tax notice. The primary function of the Assessment Review Board is to provide a forum for individuals and corporations to challenge various aspects of their property assessments. 

If you believe your or any other assessment is unfair, you may file a written complaint to the Assessment Review Board. The Assessment Review Board has the authority to review your assessment and direct the assessor to make amendments. The function of the Assessment Review Board is to hear evidence as to whether your property is assessed on an equitable basis with similar properties. Please fill out the Assessment Complaint Form and send it to the County of St. Paul.

Assessment Complaints must be made to:

County of St. Paul
Attn: Clerk of the Assessment Review Board
5015 49 Avenue, St. Paul, AB T0A 3A4

A complaint must be in writing and explain why the complainant believes the information shown on an assessment or tax notice is incorrect.

A complaint must include the mailing address and the phone number of the complainant.

Your complaint must be made on or before the final date of complaint as shown on the tax notice. 

Fees for Filing a Complaint
Residential and farmland - $50 per parcel
Non-residential - $200 per parcel

Frequently Asked Questions